Our activities range from preventive advice (compliance) to defence during preliminary proceedings and during the trial. This also includes averting coercive measures and sanctions related to criminal proceedings (search, remand and attachment of assets for the purpose of asset recovery, financial penalty for the company) and the enforcement of claims for compensation for criminal prosecution measures.

In corporate criminal proceedings, we advise and defend our clients who have been accused of the following offences.

Criminal offences involving property

  • Fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Subsidy fraud
  • Money laundering

Corruption offences

  • Bribery of public officials
  • Commercial bribery

Criminal law related to healthcare

  • Fraudulent invoicing
  • Criminal law related to pharmaceuticals

Insolvency offences

  • Delayed filing for insolvency
  • Bankruptcy
  • Breach of duty to keep accounts
  • Preferential treatment of creditors/debtors

Criminal law related to employment

  • Withholding and embezzlement of salary/wages
  • Paying excessively low wages
  • Unlawful employment
  • Unlawful supply of temporary workers and unlawful staff delegation
  • Infringement of the fast-track registration obligation
  • Administrative offences and criminal offences as per the German Act to Combat Undeclared Work and Unlawful Employment (SchwarzArbG)

Criminal law related to customs and international trade

  • Embargo violations
  • Illegal import/export of goods
  • Smuggling
  • Breach of duty to declare cash and funds (cash control)
Your partners

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for you

Contact us

Do you have any questions? Just ask.


Head office
Wachtstraße 24, 28195 Bremen


Branch office
Holzdamm 18, 20099 Hamburg


Branch office
Im Klapperhof 3-5, 50670 Köln